Thursday, July 28, 2011

Art Date with Kids

 Art work drying
On Saturday one of Monkey's friends asked to have an art date. So Monday night after work M came over and I attempted to do some mixed media canvases with the girls.
 Monkey working on her art
M liked each step on it's own and didn't want to build up layers so each of her 5 canvases showcased a different technique. Muffin and Monkey did some mixed media and some with just individual techniques.
 Muffin working on hers
We spritz smooch spray through stencils, we coloured with wax crayons and painted over with water colours, we stamped and we coloured with water colour crayons that we later activated with water. And when I say we, I really me the girls.
 Monkey's work
I didn't get a chance to make a single canvas because I was either helping the girls or chasing after Tutu or taking him off the table (he LOVES to climb). By the end of the night I was exhausted but the girls had fun and that's the most important thing.
 Tutu getting in on the action with sidewalk chalk
M already informed me that she wants to do it again next week and she wants to learn new techniques. I love that they love it. And seeing that Monday is a holiday we can do it during the day so I'm not so tired. 
Muffin's mixed media piece 

Monkey's mixed media piece

M's crayon and water colour piece

What a great way to inspire the younger generation.



s said...

That's so awesome! Love your art day, and their wonderful pieces! I hoe you get to make some art next time, maybe before they get there! ;)

Ania said...

thanks so much, I would have liked to create but it was great to help the girls do their thing.