My MIL was the most beautiful person, her personality shone through her smile. .She had a huge heart and was always trying to help everyone. She worked hard to provide for her family. When my FIL got sick she took on extra jobs to support them. She also used the income from her part time jobs to lavishly spoil Rock and myself. When our children came along they were her everything. She lived to see them, spend time with them. She was their silly Babcia, you could always count on her for a giggle and a laugh. The silly games she came up with to keep the girl entertained brought hours of enjoyment. Boxing Day was literally boxing day when she wore a box on her head. It was the everyday moments that stand out. She lived for those moments.
She was a hard working individual so when she wasn't with the grandchildren (and even sometimes when they were there) she worked. She always found a way to work to make the extra money. When FIL got really sick 6 months before he passed away, she worked her full time job in Keswick, driving back and forth everyday, come home take care of him and work her part time jobs. She put herself last, didn't take care of herself because there was others that needed her more. I do wish that she had taken care of herself and gone to the Doctor when she found the tumor. Looked after it so we could still be enjoying her company and laughs. Unfortunately she didn't, and there is nothing that I could have done or do now to change that. She did what she did best care for and worry about others. I think God knew that she couldn't or wouldn't change her ways. Being Polish she was a very stubborn woman. I think that God calling mom home was his way of telling her it's her time to rest. I think he called her home to be with dad, so they could finally enjoy each others company and relax and have fun. Others may not agree with me but it's my way of dealing with my grief. I loved her so much, she was a second mother to me.

We don't know what plans God has for us, we have to have faith that there is a plan there. I truly believe with all my heart that I had Tutu so that I would be home to care for her. With my fertility issues and all the stress we were under when I got pregnant, the only way it could have happened was with Divine Intervention. He is my miracle child. I am honored that she though enough of me to have me care for her, especially when no one from the hospital had faith that I could do it. I guess they don't realize what miracles stubborn Polish women can create.
I *know* mom is up in heaven having a nice big glass of gin and tonic, overlooking the cottage catching up with dad and her Godmother. Taking the time to relax and slow down. She's probably keeping the party going as the Polish mob reconnects. I also feel she is watching over us and the kids, being our Guardian Angel. I miss you so much mom. I hope you're enjoying your time now and learning to relax.

Rock and I with mom and dad on our wedding day.
Rock's favorite picture of mom.
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