So then an idea is hatched I swim, M runs and T bikes why don't we do a triathlon relay. I ponder the idea, when I get home I looked up races and send this link to my friends. Somehow we decide we will be doing this.
It's been about 19 years since I swam. I use to swim competitively until I got injured. I ended up with bicep tendentious, rotary cuff and patella femoral syndrome. I was told I could keep swimming but I couldn't give it 100%. Since I knew I wouldn't make it to the Olympics, I decided maybe I should just quit while my body was still functioning.
That's me in the middle ready to start the race.
I also decided at that time if my body betrayed me I would betray it. I stopped exercising, I ate junk food and started smoking. All the things you're not suppose to do. I did that for 19 years and it looks like now I may be changing all that.
I started training on Wednesday. My goal after not being in the pool for 2 years was to swim the distance. I figure if I could swim the 750m I would at least finish the race. It took me 20 minutes. Now my goal is to bring that time down.
Last night I was looking over last year's results and the fastest swim time was 16:28, averaging around 20 minutes. So I figure I'm almost there, then again I've never raced in open water (I have a bit of a fear of that). I read on a blog that a 16 minute 750m in the pool equals 20 minutes in the open water. So I figure if I cut my time in half then we'll have a good chance to win. Tomorrow I train again. I'm on my way to getting back in shape. M was right it's better to have a goal.
Do you still smoke?
I only smoked for 2 years. I know pointless. But it was my rebellion.
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