Today I was blessed to attend the Live with Your Passion Event. I had won a pair of tickets through the Yummy Mummy Blog. I had recently put on my wish list that I wanted to attend a retreat and here it happens. I had never heard about the event, I don't normally visit Yummy Mummy, my friend e-mailed me about the contest. I was the very last comment on the blog before the contest closed. I mean so many things happened in the background for this to manifest in my life.
It was an amazing event hosted by Mothers on Fire, they did an amazing job planning and hosting the event. The morning was spent taking and learning about the Passion Test. Wow, what a powerful and eye opening exercise. I figured out what my top 5 passions are. I worked on a Passionate Plan that showed s how to come up with markers to show us we're living our passions and the why this passion is important to us. We also learned an exercise to work with beliefs that hold us back. How to work to turning them from negative thoughts that hold us back to just thoughts.
After lunch we had 2 talks about Deciding to Live Your Passion and Monetizing Your Passion. Alot of good information was gathered from these sessions. Some of the information was stuff that I had read about before, some was all new. All the information is causing my brain to think a mile a minute. It's making ideas click together and hopefully soon I'll be able to announce some of them.
I will say that this event was the universe hitting me on the head telling me to get on with it. Sometimes we need a BIG reminder to continue on our path and follow our dreams. Also if you ever have an opportunity to attend an event by Mothers on Fire I highly recommend it.
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