So a couple weeks ago I took some what I thought were good pictures of the kids but I'm learning that they weren't so good. Cute, yes but good no. Learning more about lighting and such but the only way to learn is to practice. I've also been editing pictures. Holy what a difference it makes. I'm only using Picasa and Microsoft Office but its enough to do the job.

And just to show what a difference a little editing does.
Top picture is straight off the camera and the bottom is edited. The colours just pop now.Ania
I love using Picasa! It's such a great software since it's FREE and it makes such a huge difference, doesn't it?
Great job setting up your pictures! Editing my photos makes all the difference for me. It totally changed my blog!
I think these are great! I especially love the ones with your daughter on the bike, they're actually amazing. Your kids are adorable!
Cate, you're right it makes such a difference and free is always good.
Thanks Laura, it was fun (even if only 1 kid cooperated with me)
Thanks Leah, I'm trying I'm having fun practicing and using what I learned at my photography class last month.
Thank you for the compliment, I think my kids are kinda cute too :).
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