A few months ago I wrote a post about juggling you life. I talked about prioritizing things in your life, focusing on the most important things in your life and how it’s ok if you let a ball drop.
Here I am a few moths later back working full time and juggling that with my adorable children, the house and my creative work. It is so much harder this time around being back at work then the previous 2 returns. My workload has increased tenfold but the amount of time I have to do it in remains the same.
I am struggling currently to try and find more me time to create. I really want to find time at my sewing machine to try out the millions of ideas I’ve found on blogdom as well as ideas I’ve come up with on my own. I want to find time to create an e-course around being creative, making time for creativity and creativity with kids. And eventually do a local retreat around this. But funny thing I barely manage this myself and I want to teach others. Then again those who can, do; those who can’t teach. I guess I fall into the second category. Among the other things I would like to do is generate a bigger readership for my blog, develop it to the pretty eye candy I see out in blogdom and in Artful Blogging (wouldn’t it be amazing to be featured in there one day?). Reorganize my craft studio. The list goes on and on. There is not enough time for everything I want to do.
So my me time is so limited and yet I have a huge to do list for it. Then there is the housework to do. This new house is much bigger then the old house. Just to do the basics takes me 2-3 hours. First I need to pick up all the toys that have migrated around the house (I have playroom in the basement for the kids and yet toys are everywhere), Monkey helps dust and do the windows and mirrors doors in the hallway. Then I sweep/vacuum the floors and the steam mop the floors (I heart my steam mop). I am blessed that my mom does my laundry for me and Rock puts away the laundry. Rock also cleans the bathrooms (not quite the way I would but I’m learning to let go of my need to control everything and do it the right way (my way). And the yard work gets done by my dad. He planted our gardens and flowers and cuts the grass. Did I mention I was blessed?
On top of that is spending time with my kids before they head off to bed. There is the homework struggle with Monkey that I sometimes have to do, because even though Rock gets home earlier then me from work he’s made himself a priority and is trying to get healthier. And now that the weather is nice I’m trying to have all of us take advantage of that by going on family walks or playing outside in our backyard.
And to add to all this I’m also training for the triathlon relay, so 2 mornings a week I get up early to train in the pool. And the other days I go for walks or bike rides with the kids. That said the last few weeks have been bad where I’ve only gotten into the pool once a week. I was suppose to go this morning but I couldn’t drag myself out of bed. Tomorrow there is no excuse. Teething toddlers be dam (Tutu is teething yet again and spending a lot of time nursing at night).
So now I have to reassess my priorities, which have to be done, which I want to be done and which I’m ok with dropping so I can get the most out of my time. I also have to give myself permission to drop the housework ball so I can have some me time. If I don’t’ make myself a priority then no one will. I also noticed that I didn’t’ mention my relationship with Rock; it’s been too long since we made ourselves a priority so I need to schedule a date night with him.
It’s funny because people keep telling me I’m super mom and get so much done and yet I feel like I’m failing because I’m not getting everything done. I do get a lot accomplished but that’s only because there is so much more to do. I may be super mom in other’s eyes but not my own. I need to learn to cut myself some more slack.
I also wanted to share some of my more recent projects.
This is a card I made to send to Rock’s father for Father’s Day. People at work think it’s amazing but all I see is where I can improve. Why must I be my biggest critic?
And I did make an effort this weekend to craft. I tried to make rolled flowers from an old skirt. I don’t like how they turned out but at least I tried and now know how to improve it.
And speaking of failed projects. I had started upcycling this skirt back in February. Well I finished it a few months ago but never posted it because I screwed it up. I figure that I should show my failures as well as successes since we learn from our mistakes (or at least we strive to). I ended up cutting too much material when I was making it smaller so it’s too tight. But I did manage to make it shorter. It’s still a good skirt, it just won’t fit me. Anyone want it? I'm a XL but I cut it too slim and it's meant to be a fuller skirt. I think it would fit a M or L better. I can leave the elastic not sewn in so how ever gets it can adjust it to their waist. Leave me a comment and I will pick a winner.
The pictures aren't great because I had to use my flash but Monkey had her first soccer game tonight and I didn't even get a chance to eat before we left, never mind taking pictures. I will do better next time.
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